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Welcome! Thank You for Visiting!!

I am Thomas, this is my GitHub Page


I am originally from Wyoming. I am currently an undergraduate studying at Lehigh Univeristy in Pennsylvania

For more about me check out My LinkedIn Page

Right now this page is for my Data Storytelling Projects

A Project on Creating Charts from Data of Personal Interest

Creating Bar Graph from the NASA Fireball and Bolide Reports on Datastro

A Helpful YouTube Video for Moving Images to your GitHub Page

Explorations of Parse Hub’s Ability to Pick Data

The Racial Profiling Search Results

All 667 Records on Racial Profiling are Organized into Downloadable Excel Workbook

Organization of the Fields: Title, URL, Publication Date, and the Media Type (out of nine possible)

With three sheets: One organized by Date of Publication: the Second by The Nine Media Types in Assenting Order: the Third is For You to Sort However You Would (right click the field heading and communicate your preference for viewing the data)

If a search result interests you and/or you would like to explore the different Media Types, Click on the URL of that record, you will be able to copy it.


Here I used ZenHub, a New Issue, dragged and droped the file into the Issue, waited for ZenHub to convert the input, copied the output and pasted it just above to create this downloadable link (right above this explination)

For more freedom with the data, you may download the sheet a second way.
Use the First Icon on the right side of the bottom dark gray bar^^
For A Help Video on the Method Used to Embed the Sheet Please Click Here

A Project to Explore Google Virtual Tour

Take a Dive into the Vitality of Water:

The Visible Impact of Natural or Irraged Water Introduction for Vegitation Growth

To See my Drone’s Perpective in Better Detail: Click the Gray Icosahedron (I believe) in the top Left of the Frame To View This Tour in Full Screen on Poly.Google or click HERE

Audio Files

Site 5 & Site 3
The Green River & The High Country Wind

USGS DATA For Green River’s Volumtric Flow Rates and Gage Height

You Can Either Use Controls Built Into The PDF Frames

Or For Examples of Short Cuts:

Ctrl + Scroll = Zoom

Normal Scroll = Up and Down

Shift + Scroll = Left and Right

PreReqs: [Hover Your Mouse of the Frame]

Wyoming Ecoregion Map and Legend With Evident Borders

The Location of the virual tour is in 18c Pinedale in the Mid-West Part of the State

Same Map: Additional Details on the Right (Look for 18c in the Second Salmon Pink Box “Wyoming Basin”)

Summary Table: Characteristics of the Ecoregions of Wyoming

For 18c Ctrl + Scroll into the Larger Salmon Pink Box “Wyoming Basin”

Cloud Chart

Use the Rotate Clockwise Circlar Arrow in the Top Right Drop Down of this Frame to Properly View this PDF

OR For Some More Short Cuts

Ctrl + ] = Clockwise Rotation

Ctrl + [ = Counter-Clockwise Rotation

PreReqs: [You will have to click on this one before using short cuts]

In The Tour: I reference the Cumulus Clouds (Low Clouds) In Green

Twitter Data Set

#Space: Twitter Data in the Over 7 Days: August 10-17, 2020

Data GitHub Link

Data OneDrive Link

Embeded OneDrive Frame

Here is a Static Map of The Locations of Each of these Tweets that used #Space


Twitter Data Interative Map: Via Tableau Desktop

My main objective with these two similar data aquisition and display methods from Twitter and with Tableau (Maps and then Desktop) was to gain a feeling for the dispersion of interest in what is just 100 km away, space. However I know these representations to be limited for I am highly interested in space and yet don’t use twitter let along twitter with geolocation enabled. Thus anyone similar to me who loves space but infrequently posts about it in social media is not included here.